01 Desember 2018

Benefits of Yoga

Hi, looking for reasons to try yoga?
I myself have experienced yoga's healing power in a very real way.
Like, I sleep better or getting fewer colds or just feeling more relaxed and at ease.
From increased strength to flexibility to heart health, yoga can both prevent disease and help you recover from it. WOW right!

Well, I guess I need to start doing yoga routinely.

06 April 2018

I am back!

Hello, I am finally back after over 4years of absence and silence.
(I was like "what!? Its been so long")
Many things happened in my life, 
and I thought that they changed me. 
But in the end, nothing much has changed.

Well, after I graduated from university, 
I moved back to my hometown, I found a good job here, 
meet new people, new experiences, and new memories.

So, I'm just gotta share some of my latest photos and activities :D


and early in 2018


See you on my next story~